Connecting With The Higher Self For Wealth And Success

Many of us have become disconnected from our True Nature in modern life. We are always looking outside instead of gazing inside at our rich storehouse, our subconscious. We are often disassociated from our hearts so that mindfulness practice can get us back in touch.

Each human is unique: Unique energy (or spirit), a unique body and mind. Each person has a true nature, representing the potential to achieve great things during their lifetime. It is like a diamond within: hard, almost indestructible and when highly polished, scintillating and brilliant. When they first emerge from the Earth, diamonds are encrusted with other substances that conceal their brilliance. But they are easily polished and cut to reveal their radiance. The course of your life is polishing that inner diamond until wisdom and compassion radiate into your environment.

In all your decisions, involving your body, not only your mind, is essential. We have become dominated by the intellect, but we have many other tools. Utilize your senses and your intuition. But first, ensure that you balance your body by practising mindfulness. (link to pdf and course)

Your body is a miracle. Scientists say it is 100% evolved. It produces many chemical substances that can change your mood and general demeanour. Practise mindfulness, particularly smiling, to release these endorphins and hormones. This will assist you in reconnecting with your true Nature.

Negative thoughts can surface no matter how positive your mindset is. That is the Nature of the mind, and thoughts are dead the moment they are acknowledged. So, don’t acknowledge them by staying in the present, here and now.

Humans are heavily conditioned by society from the moment they are born. Family members, friends, and the community may project negative and limiting thoughts onto you. However, if you appreciate your inner world, which is your reality, you can detach yourself from those redundant thoughts and projections by practising mindfulness- full awareness.

We can personify these negative thoughts as demons sitting on your shoulder—the thought gremlins. They are critical of everything you do and perhaps envious of your courage. It’s easy to flick them away by detaching yourself and going inside.

It’s vital to assert the following as often as you can while focusing on the image of a perfect circle:

Your inner diamond potential is always there, waiting to be polished as you live. So you can work to become 100% evolved in spirit as you are in body. You are enough to fulfil your particular mission, so please accept that and continue to devote yourself unswervingly to your thinking and judgements.

Buddhism says that your higher self is your true Nature. In other words, who you are beneath the layers of conditioning and social posturing. The lower self is primitive by comparison and vulnerable to negative emotions and behaviours: a criminal is an excellent example of the dominance of the lower self. The Higher Self is pure, and this is where we need to manifest abundance, wealth, health, happiness and success.

Buddhist practices allow us to see the true nature of each person we encounter and to have compassion for those who are not in contact with it. Buddhism is not a religion but a way of life or philosophy.

“When one is awake (mindful) when one has light in oneself, there is no seeking. One does not want any more experiences.”

Juddu Krishnamurti

By detaching from problems, we can learn to perceive them as opportunities for growth. This doesn’t mean we don’t care, but simply that we step back from the heat of seeing emotions that the lower mind inflames.

There is so much to learn from the people and situations around you. But remember that your inner diamond is accessible, and you can polish it to perfection by learning from adversity.

Refer back to the 3 Laws of attraction regularly (Link). This promotes the success and abundance mindset.

Please have compassion for yourself as well as others. It would help if you had the courage and perseverance to stay connected to your Buddha Nature and navigate conditioning and social judgement. This is especially so when it comes to attracting wealth and making businesses successful.

In professional relationships, always remember that there may be bad behaviour around. But everyone, in essence, has a Buddha Nature whether they know it or not, so be forgiving and appreciative always. Tolerance will polish your diamond vigorously.

If you have a candle, light it and place it where you can see the flame easily; if you don’t, switch on a light or desk light, which will do just as well.

  • Lower your eyelids
  • Listen in to your surroundings outside, inside and inside you
  • Allow your breathing to deepen as you borrow each breath from the positive Earth

When you feel you have brought all your attention to now and here, and there are no distractions, and you are smiling because it is such a perfect place to be, slowly raise your eyelids and gaze at the candle flame or light beam/bulb. Keep your eyes soft and uncritical.

Just gaze at the flame/bulb and continue listening and breathing.

Your Buddha Nature is like a candle flame burning brightly out into the world, giving light to your studies/training — insights —, light to your teachers/trainers and colleagues/study mates. Sometimes, the flame may gutter or even go out, but it will always burst into flame again because that is your eternal Nature.

When you return to your busy life, occasionally recall the flame burning steadily and strongly. You can radiate your light into any situation; others will notice and be attracted to it, adding to your well-being.


10 thoughts on “Connecting With The Higher Self For Wealth And Success”

  1. Hi Linden,
    I just read your article “Connecting with the Higher Self for Wealth and Success” on Jambhala Wealth. It’s a fascinating read! The way you blend mindfulness, self-awareness, and wealth creation is both innovative and inspiring. I particularly liked the analogy of polishing the inner diamond – it’s a powerful image that really sticks with you.
    From personal experience, I’ve found mindfulness to be a game-changer, especially in stressful situations. Your emphasis on integrating mindfulness into daily life for wealth and success is something I hadn’t considered before but makes total sense.
    Here’s something I’m curious about: How do you recommend someone balance the pursuit of material wealth with the maintenance of spiritual health? Is there a specific practice or mindset you find particularly effective in keeping these two in harmony?
    Your article is not just thought-provoking but also provides practical steps for personal growth.

    P.S. Thank you for your work and sharing these insights with us!

    • Thank you Makhsud. Very kind comments. I’m glad you like the diamond: it is powerful.

      I can see you’re a mindfulness fan and yes, it integrates well in daily life once you decide to schedule it into your busy day.

      Balancing wealth building—remember that’s not only money but also health, good fortune and success (money is only a symbol)—with spirituality is easy once you put aside any negative ideas. See more insights on this:

      Every human has a diamond within them and diamonds attract diamonds: “like attracts like” (3 Laws of Attraction).  It’s all about using mindfulness and meditation to polish that diamond so it shines out like a beacon into the universe. 

      Polishing is about extending compassion in adversity, so I find this very powerful in my everyday life. If you meet or encounter someone who irritates or angers you, this is a great opportunity to use compassion and try to empathise with their inner diamond which may be encrusted and dull. Acceptance of people behaving badly and seemingly untenable situations just as they are, detaching from them emotionally, is the key to balance. Stand back from the flames of emotion and step back inside your diamond field!

      We each have a unique pathway to tread and we mustn’t be distracted from that, especially if we are setting up a business to attract wealth and success. You must devote yourself unswervingly to your own thinking and judgements and never sacrifice your values. Be always true to your true nature, your diamond, and focus on polishing it.

      Hope that helps. Blessings and Success.

  2. I am having a good look around your website and wanted to comment here too. 

    I have also just finished reading this article on connecting with your higher self for wealth and success and found it just as enjoyable as the previous post I read on Ziji.

    The metaphor of polishing an inner diamond was really interesting for me. It is a wonderful way to see personal growth and the journey towards a balance between material and spiritual wealth. 

    I have another question if you do not mind? In your experience, what has been the most challenging aspect of maintaining this balance? Your thoughts are really interesting and have given me a lot to reflect on.

    Thank You.

    • Hi Chris. I’m so glad you are moved to look around my website. This is a really reassuring comment. Thank you.

      Yes, your inner diamond. We all have one – it’s your pure potential for happiness! Put pure happiness at the centre of your life, and your diamond will shine like a beacon.

      I love your question. Yes, balance. Well, if you haven’t already, it may help if you read a little more about meand my spiritual qualifications. Mindfulness and Meditation are my mainstays. I also live first-hand, not second-hand. In other words, I am unswervingly devoted to MY creativity, judgements, and, essentially, MY happiness. Once we live first-hand, Ziji is easy to access, and we cultivate compassion more easily because we have found absolute happiness and can unconditionally extend love to all beings. 

      Every day is a complete joy, especially here in WA. My wish is that everyone here can find this balance, so I hope I can provide some training soon.

      Blessings and Happiness Chris. 🙏🏼😊

  3. Hi Linden,

    Your article is a profound piece that resonates deeply with me. Your approach to unveiling the ‘diamond within’ and aligning the body and mind for true wealth is both enlightening and transformative.

    As someone who often gets caught up in the external hustle of life, your reminder to look inward and connect with our true nature is a timely wake-up call. The analogy of the inner diamond, needing polishing to reveal its brilliance, beautifully encapsulates the journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

    Your insights into overcoming negative conditioning and embracing our intrinsic worth are incredibly empowering. The idea of flicking away the ‘thought gremlins’ and focusing on positive affirmations like “I am enough just as I am” is a powerful tool for self-affirmation and personal development.

    The concept of tapping into our higher self, or Buddha Nature, as you describe it, offers a refreshing perspective on achieving success and abundance. It’s fascinating how you’ve intertwined mindfulness and compassion with the pursuit of professional and personal goals, showcasing a path to enlightened success that transcends conventional approaches.

    Your mindfulness exercise with the candle flame is a simple yet profound practice. It serves as a beautiful metaphor for how we can shine our light in any situation, positively impacting those around us and enhancing our sense of well-being.

    Thank you for this illuminating guide. It’s not just an article; it’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It’s pieces like this that encourage us to look beyond the surface and connect with our deeper selves, paving the way for true success and fulfillment.

    Kind Regards,


    • Hi Danny. Wow! Thank you. This is a great tribute which I will add to my testimonials if I may! I’m so thrilled to have touched you in this way.

      Please continue to practise mindfulness and polish your diamond a little every day to find true happiness!

      Happiness if the shiny key to success and attracting wealth.

      Blessings and Success in the Year of the Dragon.


  4. Hello Linden, 

    It appears we meet again on the internet. I must say that I absolute love your page and the articles that you have written. This particular one caught my attention because I have been doing alot of inner work, integrating with my higher self. Although wealth and success are subjective and appear differently to many people, it is really something that anyone can tap into to achieve their own values. 

    I found this information informative and incredibly helpful for the journey that I am currently on. The valuable insights into reconnecting with one’s higher self for achieving wealth and success. The emphasis on mindfulness, understanding our intrinsic worth and tapping into the higher self aligns with various spiritual and philosophical principles that aligns with my ethos. 

    How have you incorporated mindfulness practices into your daily life to stay connected with your higher self, especially in the context of your professional endeavors?

    Blessings and Abundance!

    • Hello there, Starlight.

      Yes, our paths cross often, I’m glad to say. And it’s great to hear that you are doing lots of inner work to tap into YOUR values and no one else’s.

      If you would like to hear more about how I incorporate mindfulness, etc., into my daily life, please read this – I just wrote it. Hope it inspires you!

      Blessings and Awe to you!

      warm wishes and smiles


  5. I enjoyed reading the article as it covered several points that everyone thinks about from time to time. However, many of us get too caught up with work or other things that only add stress to our lives and negatively affect our health.

     Although I do self-reflect often, I don’t think I am anywhere near perfecting myself into a precious jewel. I hope that by reading more of your articles, I can eventually reach that level.

    • Hi there,

      Thanks so much for your honest comment. 

      You have misunderstood. You are already perfect and have a perfect diamond of potential inside you, but it’s encrusted with neglect and nativity, so you need to polish it in the ways I suggest. There is nothing to do except acknowledge your limitless potential and find ways to polish that dull diamond. This will help you to love yourself more.

      Please visit often. The next article to read when you have a free moment is Exploring the Essence Within.

      I look forward to being blinded by the dazzling shine of your diamond one day soon!

      Blessings and warm smiles



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