5 Spiritual Indicators Of A Good Relationship With Money

a beautiful woman meditates to promote the flow of the universe around her.
a young woman sits in deep joyful meditation surrounded by blossoms and moonlight

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8 thoughts on “5 Spiritual Indicators Of A Good Relationship With Money”

  1. I’ve always believed that one’s relationship with money goes beyond the physical and taps into the spiritual. Reading about the concept of abundance and how it aligns with gratitude and contentment resonates deeply with me. It’s fascinating to think about wealth not just in terms of what we accumulate but also in how we perceive and interact with it spiritually. This perspective shift is truly enlightening.

  2. I always enjoy coming back to your site, I always learn something or take away something I can implement and use in one part of my life or another.

    The way you write the articles but also put them together makes them so easy to follow and read. In this article in particular I enjoyed reading your take on money being a form of energy we can learn to control, this I have never heard before but it resonates with me and makes sense!!

    I look forward to seeing your next inciteful article, Thanks Linden.

    • Hi Ryan,

      I’m so thrilled that you realize that money is only energy. This will hopefully liberate you and open you up to attract lots of it from the Universe.

      Blessings and inner and out wealth to you.

  3. Hello, 

    This post beautifully highlights the spiritual dimensions of our relationship with money. It is inspiring to see the emphasis on achieving agency over money rather than being controlled by it. The Buddhist approach to dividing wealth into enjoyment, investment and saving offers practical guidance that aligns with spiritual balance. 

    Viewing money as energy that responds to our mindset and intentions is a powerful concept, reminding us to cultivate positivity and avoid negative emotions. The idea of money as a medium of exchange and connection reinforces the importance of valuing both our own work and the contributions of others, promoting a holistic and spiritually enriched approach to wealth.

    Blessings and Abundance 

  4. This article does a great job of highlighting the spiritual side of our relationship with money, which is often overlooked. It’s interesting to think about how our mindset and energy towards wealth can influence our financial reality. The idea that money is energy really resonated with me. Do you think shifting our thoughts and emotions around money is enough to create abundance, or does it also require tangible changes in how we manage finances?


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