Navigating Workplace Stress with Mindful Moments
It is important to understand the mental health risks of a high-stress workspace. Finding solitude and maintaining your values amid chaos may be huge challenges. ‘Touch Your Heart Everyday’ email PickMeUps can help to bring you to a place of serenity. Each message will allow you to step back and tap into your inner wisdom while at work.
Mindfulness is the key to maintaining the balance of your mental health. So, what is mindfulness:
“Mindfulness is bringing your mind away from the busy world of work and life distractions to the centre of the moment – here-and-now. It is going inside your inner universe alone where you can be your true self and put aside all the masks you use to compromise as a member of your society or community.”
To explore this precious resource everyone can gain access to further, please experience the first of a series of mindfulness training articles here. It takes a little time to get started, but investing time wisely in everything you do will always pay off. In fact, it is vital for making good decisions to attract wealth, good health, good fortune and success to reconnect with your heart.
Your Daily Dose of Peace: The Power of Email Prompts
These mindfulness prompts can be received directly in your inbox each day of your busy week. You can pause, read, and reflect on an email to put the reigns of control back in your hands. These specially created mindfulness prompts will prime you for a productive and positive day so you can work while more fully embracing your inner universe and personal values.
I design these emails based on my many spiritual trainings and the insights I have gained from them. I also draw on spiritual masters and organisations of many traditions for quoted words. My choice of images to inspire mindfulness is based on websites I have created in the past and my life’s work as a mindful educator. You can read more about my spiritual journey and qualifications here.
Joining the Journey Toward a Balanced Lifework Harmony
It is easy to sign up for this free email sequence that will keep you in touch with your heart and your true nature. Just clicking/touching the link below and filling in the simple sign-up form will take 1 minute of your valuable time; the rest is up to me!
Many people start the day with such an email to be fresh when they stroll into their workplace. Others read in the evening on their way home to relax with their loved ones and friends.
You will find that the ripple effect of regular mindfulness on your productivity and mindset really keeps you in control and boosts creativity and decision-making.
Why not start the New Year of 2024 with these email Pick Me Ups. They will guarantee that the year ahead is the best yet and your mental health is well-balanced. They will also equip you to attract wealth, good health, good fortune and success.
If you have any further questions or comments, please leave them below. Or you can contact me privately by email at:
What a great idea. This is such a true point you make about stresses at work but we also have stresses in our everyday life and this would also be great for those areas too. I really like the concept behind this. How do yo ensure the emails that go out are relevant to the individual person?
Hello Ryan, thank you for this encouragement. Yes, maybe Touch Your Heat Everyday is something everyone could benefit from in our stressful world. I hope so, anyway.
If someone wants to receive these regular emails, they must join a mailing list first. As I mentioned in the post, the content of each mail is pretty universal to any spiritual inclinations, e.g., spiritual quotations from spiritual leaders of all traditions, my inspirations for mindfulness and meditation; powerful images to reflect on, etc. They are all designed to maintain a mindful state and help people overcome their negative thoughts.
I think if you got more of the gist of the site, you would understand.
Also, you can read a little more about me to see where I’m coming from.
The “Touch Your Heart Everyday” email series introduces a novel way of incorporating mindfulness into our daily lives. Its universal approach, transcending specific spiritual or cultural boundaries, is especially noteworthy in today’s diverse environment.
The blend of spiritual quotes, personal insights, and evocative imagery is likely to provide a much-needed respite in our hectic routines. Enhancing the series with an element of personalization, where subscribers can align the content with their specific areas of stress or interest, could potentially elevate its impact and relevance.
It’s inspiring to see such innovative mindfulness methods being explored. Thanks for contributing to a more mindful world!
Thank you Sonia. This is encouraging.
I’m looking forward to getting it launched and the response. Hope you’ll try it out.
wishing you great mindfulness in the year ahead!