You Have All The Resources You Need Inside You. Your Business Model, Too.

A large leafless tree points up into a blue sky and aligned to the trunk pictures of the stages of growth show.
Your seed will become a tree

Have you ever considered that within you lies a unique blueprint, a master plan for success, not just handed down through generations but also designed by the universe? It’s an intriguing idea, isn’t it? I’m talking about a deeply ingrained potential that connects to an ancient and startlingly relevant concept: the seed metaphor.

Imagine for a moment this seed inside you. It’s not just a product of human birth or a legacy from your parents. This seed is a universal endowment. It exists as a reminder of your innate potential – a potential that enfolds your mission and abilities and propels you toward your destiny.

This is particularly true when it comes to envisioning your business model. It may not be clear to you yet, but you have all the resources needed to thrive within you. You carry what it takes to sow and nurture a successful enterprise. The business world’s complexities and challenges are no different than the wild – it requires adaptation, resilience, and growth.

Like a tree that begins as a seed, you can grow from a tiny idea into a vibrant, robust business. However, the seed to which I refer is complex. It comes with a miniature version of everything you will become, like a mission plugged into your DNA – your personal blueprint, a microcosm. It’s poised to sprout given time, care, and conditions.

In the following section, we’ll delve into the first component housed within your seed – your karma and DNA. Together, these ancestry elements shape your present capabilities and will provide a solid foundation for the business you are meant to cultivate.

A green seed is divided into 3 parts - Karma, Compassion and Wisdom
The Seed of your Spirit

At its core, every business is shaped by its founder’s unique experiences and history. In the personal context, this means considering how your karma and DNA influence your entrepreneurial journey. In this sense, Karma embodies the legacy of your actions and those of your ancestors. It’s the sum of choices, victories, and struggles that have trickled down through generations, each leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory encoded within you.

Your DNA is more than a biological marker; it’s a rich repository of your familial lineage, affecting physical attributes, behavioural traits, and predispositions. These genetic factors can steer your inclinations towards certain business decisions, risk appetites, and even your leadership style. Recognizing these inherited traits provides insight into your strengths and potential growth areas, allowing for a more tailored approach to business development.

The past actions and achievements of those before you lay a robust foundation for your own path. Whether your lineage includes merchants, innovators, or artists, their entrepreneurial spirit – whether they knew it by that name or not – is a part of your inner resource kit. It can guide you towards your niche, instil resilience, and foster innovation in your business practices.

Your ancestral heritage is a tapestry of experiences offering a wealth of knowledge and direction. Honouring this legacy involves drawing from their trials and triumphs to fortify your business mindset and methodologies. It encourages you to weave their stories into your modern entrepreneurial narrative, ensuring that the wisdom of the past is not lost but transformed into a tool for contemporary success.

It’s not just physical traits that have trickled down the lineage; the wisdom of our ancestors plays a crucial role in navigating the contemporary business landscape. Each generation passes down a repository of knowledge, a collective intelligence that’s woven into the fabric of our being.

Grasping the lessons from our family history gives us a distinct edge in entrepreneurship. They bequeath strategies for survival, stories of resilience, and insights into human behaviour – all instrumental in understanding market dynamics and customer needs.

How does one apply this ancestral wisdom to their internet business? Begin by assessing the values and experiences that have influenced your family’s narrative. The tenacity of a grandparent, the keen eye of an aunt in trade, and a parent’s negotiation skills are all the ropes that will help you climb the entrepreneurial ladder.

Furthermore, we need not limit ourselves to our direct lineage. History is brimming with tales of triumph and recovery. Look to past entrepreneurs and the challenges they overcame. Emulate their decision-making processes, fortitude, or adaptability to change. Much like a craftsman uses time-honoured techniques to create a modern masterpiece, you can use historical wisdom to carve a niche in today’s market.

Incorporating these lessons into your business practice isn’t just copying past tactics. It’s about understanding and integrating the core principles that drove your forebears’ success with your vision. Doing so often requires reflection, an open mind, and, sometimes, a creative reimagining of old strategies to address new challenges.

Next, we’ll explore how compassion, the human touch so deeply etched in our makeup, can be an ally in fostering lasting business relationships. Beyond a mere strategy, compassion forms the heartbeat of a venture that seeks profit, meaningful connections, and a positive imprint on the world.

amany hands and arms of varying colours reach towards a white hear symbolizing compassion

It may not be immediately obvious, but compassion is as crucial to a thriving business as it is to personal well-being. In fact, I’d argue that it’s a core element of any lasting enterprise. Compassion – the ability to empathize with others and to act with kindness – allows you to build more than just a customer base; it enables you to create a community.

When I fuse compassion into my business dealings, I’ve noticed a clear impact on how customers perceive the brand. Clients and customers are drawn to businesses that treat them as people first rather than as transactions. This means every email, every product, and every marketing campaign is infused with an understanding of the customer’s needs and feelings.

Moreover, compassion is the guiding star that helps maintain balance in pursuing ambition. It ensures that in my unrelenting drive for results, I do not overlook the human element – the employees, partners, and suppliers integral to any business’s functioning. A business model with compassion is sustainable because it fosters loyalty and inspires trust, leading to repeat clientele and referrals.

Indeed, if you commit to a business philosophy that mirrors the compassion encrypted in our inner blueprint, you lay the groundwork for a work culture that’s nurturing, open, and exceptionally adaptive to the ever-changing business environment.

In the next section, we’ll explore the significance of timing – in nature and in the market – and how recognizing when the moment is ripe can catalyze the transition from a seedling of an idea to a full-blown, successful enterprise.

The perfect moment for a seed to sprout isn’t something that happens randomly; it’s a harmonious convergence of the right conditions. In your personal journey and in business, timing isn’t just a factor; it’s THE factor that often determines success. Identifying and seizing the opportune moment means understanding the invisible natural clock that signals when your ideas are ready to flourish.

Seeds can wait for years, even centuries, until the circumstances are ideal for them to grow. Similarly, the seed of your internet business or wealth attraction may have been inside you, biding its time. I assure you, every lesson you’ve learned, every seemingly lost opportunity, has only added to the fertility of your soil, enriching it with experience and readiness for your seed to germinate.

It’s not merely about having patience—it’s strategic patience. Waiting for the right moment doesn’t mean inaction. While you wait, you prepare. You nurture your aspirations with the wisdom and compassion cultivated from your lineage. You water these aspirations with continuous learning and piqued curiosity about the world of Internet business. Then, the conditions become just right, and what seemed like immobile patience transforms into dynamic growth.

Growth feels less forced and more organic when it aligns with the grand cycle of time. Personal and universal history plays a role in setting the stage for the next act. Personal development—your understanding of your inner world, the sharpening of your skills and talents—synchronizes with the emergence of new market trends, technological advancements, and shifts in consumer behaviour.

As you read this, ask yourself if the waiting period you may be experiencing is quietly feeding your inner seed, getting it ready to break through the surface. As this section flows into the next, consider how your accumulated insights and reconnected inner world can combine with internet intelligence to cultivate a burgeoning and successful online presence.

In conclusion, the journey of transforming your inner seed into a mature tree mirrors the entrepreneurial adventure. You must nurture your innate talents, character traits, and wisdom passed down through your lineage. These elements make up the core of who you are and, by extension, the core of your business model.

Embracing the metaphor of the seed allows you to see beyond the superficial aspects of running a business. It reinforces the notion that everything necessary for success already lies within you. Your DNA, karma, wisdom, and compassion are your most potent allies in this journey.

Remember, the process is neither quick nor easy. Just as a seedling takes time to grow into a strong, robust tree, your business will require care, patience, and time to flourish. It’s a process of continual learning, adjustment, and growth. But with a foundation rooted in the unique blueprint inside you, your business can withstand the tests of time and thrive.

By embracing mindfulness and meditation, you can maintain a clear connection with your inner world, ensuring that your actions align with your values. Combine these with internet savvy, and position yourself at the forefront of today’s business landscape. You have already discovered some of these tools by engaging with this content.

As you progress, maintain a sharp focus on nurturing your project, your ‘business tree,’ with the best of what you have inside. Look within to find strength, guidance, dedication, and resilience. With these, you gear up for not just success but a business that is authentically yours, reflecting who you are at your core.

4 thoughts on “You Have All The Resources You Need Inside You. Your Business Model, Too.”

  1. I am captivated by the concept of finding all the necessary resources within ourselves, even when it comes to our business models. Jambhala Wealth, can you share some tips on how we can tap into this internal wealth and utilize it to build a successful business? I am eager to learn more and see how this mindset can transform the way we approach entrepreneurship.

    • Thank you, Adalia for your many comments. 

      In short, you are your business model. This is the mindset you should have. Your thoughts and ideas – your intellect and drive – are the best power within you. No one else can create and develop your business for you. Your creativity is the springboard so look no further than your inner universe.

      So, daily, you need to practise mindfulness and meditation towards your goal. This will help you to remove all the doubts and self-critical gremlins. You can find the basis of mindful practices for beginners on Jambhala Wealth to get you started if you are new to this. Also, an article on overcoming negative thoughts. Please make mindfulness part of your daily routine to create a successful business. 

      Reevaluate your mindset immediately! 🙃 Don’t put it off! 😇

      I look forward to hearing about it and of course, I am here to answer any questions you may have in the process. Yes, remember that the process is much more important than the result.

      Blessings for your success!

  2. This is a very good thought provoking post. I have also known that your DNA affects our bodies and how we might react to certain elements in life. But I had never really considered that karma is such an integral part of us. 

    Equating that to a seed that grows inside us, is a wonderful way to imagine life developing. Compassion and tolerance are wonderful qualities, that can indeed improve your business if you practice them. So discover your inner self, to grow your spiritual tree, and your business will flourish. 

    • Thank you, Line. I am happy if you have found something new and exciting in my post. I will be writing a comprehensive appraisal of karma and its relationship with business and money quite soon, so stay tuned. 

      The image of a seed with all its potential is inspiring I think. And so we can envisage a time when being in business as a sole proprietor is a more natural and positive thing to earn than working to line someone else’s pockets and living second-hand. 

      All humans have the right to attract wealth, good health, good fortune and success by making bonds with the universe! This is the best way to flourish and makes internet wealth a bright prospect.

      Blessings for your success.


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