The Laws of Attraction Demystified: Connecting with the Invisible World

A golden pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar, shines out against a dark night sky.
The Law of Attraction

An Introductory Look at the Laws of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is nothing new: it’s a fundamental Buddhist principle and implicit in many religious beliefs. It became a fashionable philosophical movement in the 19th century known as “New Thought” and resurged during the 20th century with the 2006 film “The Secret” and the following best-seller with the same name and the sequel “The Power.” Perceived by many as a Universal Law, it advocates positive thinking has positive outcomes. It is important to manifest a successful, stable and happy life and yet it still has not been scientifically proven. This is not surprising as mainstream science is limited to what we can prove in the visible world whereas there is no need to prove the invisible world as it is connected to faith and inner life.

‘Like Attracts Like.’ Is the first of 3 laws. We can see clearly in relationships that like-minded people often attract the same kind of people. The same applies to the way people think: negative thinking is likely to attract negative results. Many people cannot tolerate disappointment well so tend to hedge their bets but we can learn to deal with disappointment and indeed with anything if we view it as part of a lifelong learning process.

The 2nd Law of Attraction, ‘Nature Abhors a Vacuum,’ says that if you remove the negative aspects of your life there is more space for positive things to take their place. Psychologists assert that it is impossible to have a completely empty space in your mind and your life so why not fill it with positive ideas and attitudes? In this article, I will show you that it is entirely possible to have an empty space in your mind using mindful practices (add link) and a more spiritual mindset.

The 3rd Law is ‘The Present is always Perfect.’ In the here-and-now, the centre of the moment, it is always possible to make improvements so that it is the best it can be. I will show you that it is indeed perfect as it is because there is no distraction from the flawed past or the unborn scary future.

Among the Universal Principles: The Nature of Reality

Research on optimism shows that optimists enjoy better health, greater happiness, and more success in life. They posses traits that allow them to focus their thoughts on their successes and mentally minimize their failures.

Conversano C et al: Optimism and its impacts on mental and physical well-being, 2010

Universal Principles take many forms according to various sages historical. In Buddhism, the four noble truths are the cornerstone of the teachings:

  • the truth of suffering
  • the truth of the cause of suffering
  • the truth of the end of suffering
  • the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering

The Hindu principles are much older. Brahma is said to have created the Universe and in depictions of him, he has four heads and four arms. The atman, the soul or self, is connected to Brahman, the embodiment of the universe and force that is in all things. Islamic principles are similar to Hinduism.

Today scientists have proven that energy is indestructible and thoughts are one kind of energy. Wisdom tells us what we think we will realise. Also, every thought we think affects every cell in our body. The nature of Reality is simply energy, moving where it will and manifesting in the visible world of form.

Harnessing the Law of Attraction: A Practical Guide

To use these laws to our advantage and the benefit of the world around us, there are 3 main approaches:

  1. have gratitude for every moment you are alive
  2. use your amazing mind to visualise your goals
  3. restrict yourself to positive thoughts only and learn how to overcome negative thoughts

It is said in various belief systems that the universe was created from sound or words. Scientists call it the Big Bang theory. So, we can learn how to compose affirmations (positive statements) to transform distorted views.

There are some exercises or activities that can help you to practice:

  • journaling – writing down your thoughts always helps because you can see the habitual patterns of doubt and change them
  • mood boards – you may enjoy creating visual reminders to help you maintain a positive mindset, and stay motivated and focused.
  • practice acceptance – accept things as they are because they probably will not change immediately
  • practise positive self-talk – we tend to be overly self-critical so set a goal to encourage yourself until a negative mindset is no longer comfortable.

Effecting Change through the Law of Attraction: Real-Life Applications

These laws can be used practically in your life. You can use elements to reach your relationship goals. One example is by taking steps to overcome fears of vulnerability or being hurt. You can use them to achieve your professional goals. For example, taking action by acquiring marketable skills, seeking promotions, or actively pursuing a new position.

Manifesting financial changes is the mission of Jambhala Wealth. I will suggest strategies to shift your thinking from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. It is no good just wishing for more wealth. You need to set goals and take action. A positive mindset will enable you to notice golden opportunities and take advantage of them.

Living your life with a positive attitude and energy will not only attract wealth and success. it will also have a beneficial effect on your health and well-being. Especially in today’s world, mental health is a concern. By focusing on attaining a new reality and believing it is possible, we tend to take more risks, notice more opportunities, and open ourselves to new possibilities.

Practising the Law of Attraction: Guidance, Impact, and Potential Pitfalls

When practising attraction strategies, it is important to have continuity. We can learn to navigate the ups and downs of internet business and wealth attraction by vowing never to give up. It takes time to tune up the attraction mindset, so disappointment is just a dark cloud against a brilliant blue sky, and we need to let it pass.

Singlemindedness is required to sidestep the pitfalls of the Law of Attraction. It would be best to become immune to the deprecating comments of others who don’t want you to succeed. There may be crippling worries and financial concerns, but it’s crucial to keep believing in your power to manifest what you desire.

Developing spiritual stamina and strength takes time. Some of your ways of thinking are deeply ingrained and reinforced by your family, society, or culture. Most of us have been conditioned to behave and think a certain way since birth. It takes time to convert and transform so that these obstacles are kicked away, and it’s just your vivid energy mingling with the universe’s energy.

A thousand golden Buddha statues in a temple in Kyoto, Japan
Golden Buddhas

10 thoughts on “The Laws of Attraction Demystified: Connecting with the Invisible World”

  1. The exploration of the Law of Attraction in the context of historical and religious principles provides an intriguing intersection between philosophy and modern thought. The idea that positive thinking can influence outcomes has ancient roots, yet its resurgence in the 19th century and subsequent popularization raises questions about its practical applications and scientific validity. How do you reconcile the concept’s emphasis on positivity with the acknowledgment of suffering in principles like the four noble truths in Buddhism?

    • Hi Stephanie, thanks for this thoughtful comment. I see you are aware of other Buddhist teachings! Great question. When you really start to practice the teachings and apply them to your life, you realize that it’s impossible to define ‘suffering’ for every individual. In lives that are conditioned to allow the intellectual mind to dominate us, we become attached to fears and negative thoughts. Most people are overwhelmed and almost paralyzed by these attachments and can’t let go, and as a consequence, they ‘suffer.’ ‘Suffering’ therefore is a choice we make in some ways. 

      But once you recognize that you are pure boundless energy bound to a temporary physical body, you can find inner peace. You have the power to choose your response to any situation. 

      Therefore, if we choose to develop a positive attitude (++energy), it initiates a chain reaction of positive thinking (++energy), happenings, and outcomes. It’s a catalyst that triggers extraordinary results. This is especially so if we desire to benefit all beings as I do. Attracting wealth, success, and good health will imbue the Internet with the right kind of energy for the future. 

      Blessings and inner peace.

  2. I may have to bookmark this page and refer back to it at times. Research on the power of optimism is especially promising – leading to healthier lives and more positive outcomes, etc. It’s almost like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The part about nature not liking vacuums really spoke to me as well – if you get rid of something negative in your life, and it’s impossible for that space to remain empty, may as well replace it with something positive, like a change in mindset or more constructive self-talk. Thanks for sharing. 

    • Thanks Ben. I’ll be glad if you do bookmark this page and refer back to it! I’d love to hear more about your experience of native views in pursuit of your dreams.

  3. This blog delves into the Laws of Attraction, tracing their origins and providing practical insights. It introduces three key laws—’Like Attracts Like,’ ‘Nature Abhors a Vacuum,’ and ‘The Present is always Perfect’—linking them to positive outcomes. The integration of scientific research and ancient wisdom adds credibility. The practical guide offers actionable steps for gratitude, visualization, and positive thinking. Real-life applications highlight the versatility of these laws in relationships, career, and finances. The blog acknowledges challenges, emphasizes continuity, and encourages spiritual growth. In summary, it offers a balanced and empowering approach to applying the Laws of Attraction in daily life.

    • Thank you Herman. This is a gratifying synopsis. However, I would love to hear more about how you relate to the ideas and whether you can apply them to your life here at W.A. and any questions that may bring up.

      Blessings for your wealth, good health, good fortune and business success!

  4. Hey Linden!

    Thank you for this enlightening article on the laws of attraction and connecting with the invisible world. It’s fascinating to explore the concept of the invisible world and its influence on our lives. The discussion on the power of intention, visualization, and gratitude provides valuable insights into harnessing the laws of attraction. The practical tips and exercises shared are helpful for anyone looking to manifest their desires and create a positive mindset. I appreciate the clarity and depth with which you explore this topic. 

    Keep up the great work in unravelling the mysteries of the invisible world!


  5. Hi Linden

    A rich informative post on the laws of attraction. The reminder that like attracts like and keeping a good vibration with mindset would understandably be an important key to attaining what you want in life. Acceptance that the present is perfect has been challenging for the initiate. Much to learn here on how to tune into choice.

    Thank you for sharing!



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