Internet Wealth Creation Using Spiritual Strategies

a lit light bulb glimmers on top of a lap top keyboard as someone types


What are spiritual strategies for the Internet? We tend to think that I.T. and analysis—all the logical ways of thinking—are the most appropriate. However, humans control the Internet, and each human has a unique spirit and worldview.

This article will mention some critical points attracting traffic and wealth to your internet business. As Internet business folk, we need to produce lots of content for our niche and attract the search engines to rank us in their search results. The quality of the content is now thought to be the most essential aspect of this creation, according to my W.A. training (affiliate link), and to write quality material, we need to use our unique view and spirit. We can spruce up the content by focusing on keywords, using A.I. and ChatGPT, and so on, but the original ideas come from or are sparked by an original mind.

Mindful Practices and Meditation are essential to align your body, mind and spirit with your online business ventures. We cannot separate the 3 dimensions of the human being; if we do, we ask for trouble. Imbalance is the most common cause of mental health issues today. It’s crucial for the quality of the Internet and its future that its users are happy, self-aware and community-minded.

Your Unique Energy: The Foundation of Success

So, how do you access your unique energy? First, we must realise that many of us have lost touch with our true nature, especially concerning I.T. and business. If you want your business to grow, it’s necessary to constantly compare its improvement with past performance and plan for future growth. This process is not your true nature. You use tools, machines, and specific strategies to grow your business and ultimately attract wealth and success. You can easily connect to your true nature by using simple mindfulness practices (link) and meditation, and I’ll show you how to do that in a moment.

You may not realise it, but everyone has inherent talents, intuitions, or gut feelings that can be harnessed for wealth creation. If you close down this invisible side of your nature because you think these aspects of you are not business-like, you are doing yourself and your performance a disservice. ‘Like attracts like’ is the first Law of Attraction. How you think about your business activities will attract or repel the responses you seek from your efforts. It’s simple: negative thinking attracts negative experiences, while positive thinking produces desirable experiences. If you adopt this simple principle, you may be anxious about disappointment, but perhaps it’s because you’re not yet ready to take the risks that will lead to your success.

To channel your unique energy into your business, first, you need to connect with your true nature, which I believe is innately good and positive. This is crucial for the energy of the Internet as a whole. Everyone wants it to be an excellent place as it is the future marketplace for the global community, and more and more people will spend more and more time here.

Ancestral Spirituality and its Relevance to Modern Entrepreneurship

There is a tendency for modern people to arrogantly believe they invented the wheel and that everything that came before is redundant and primitive. They are overlooking one colossal fact. You and every human is the present version of the DNA of your ancestral line. DNA adapts to each culture, era and social situation. You are, therefore, probably the most developed and adapted version of your DNA so that you can survive and develop even further. Your behaviour, moods, and habits may be unexplainable to friends and family, but there’s a good chance that your ancestors had some of the tendencies you exhibit. You now only look like an ancestor but have inherited traits you feel comfortable with. They make up your character or contribute to your personality.

Please remember this other dimension of your being when developing and running your business. Your ability with numbers or words is anchored in your DNA, and relatives may comment that your great-grandfather was very good with either. So, acknowledge that your predecessors acted in the world and passed on some of their strengths and weaknesses.

Think about what is at your core. Your ancestors, your society or community, and your culture made you what you are. It will help you greatly if you can develop a radar to detect which social and cultural factors are advantageous or detrimental to your business success and wealth attraction. Realising that you can protect yourself from the negative thinking around you is vital—more about that in other articles. But be confident in rejecting social/family/cultural values that may hinder your success and openness to attracting wealth.

Body, Mind, and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Online Wealth Creation

Body, Mind, and Spirit. You have three distinct dimensions and more; all of them need to be in sync to ensure your internet business’s success and your ability to attract wealth. You need to keep all three aspects healthy and balanced. Mindful practice is the best and only way to do this.

It’s simple. Bring your busy mind into the dead centre of the moment. Here- and-Now. The past is over. The future is unborn. Both are merely concepts of the Thief of Time. Make Here-and-Now a lead magnet like this:

  • Lower your eyelids (closing your eyes tightly may make you sleepy)
  • Listen to your environment: first at the far edge (outside); then in your immediate vicinity (inside); and finally in your body.
  • Notice your breathing: breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, allowing it to deepen.

This is your true nature or mind. It operates at the optimum here and now. Everything else is a distraction. If you want to attract wealth, reconnect with your vast inner storehouse and enjoy inhabiting your rich inner world for a few minutes throughout your waking day. Go there one last time before you sleep!

By being mindful, you have connected with your invisible world, and this is the energy to tap into for success and abundance. This is the kind of energy others are attracted to, which will help you socialise and create thriving networks of associates on the Internet. It makes you calmer and kinder.

It may be that your true nature has been buried under heaps of social/cultural detritus. So, first, you need to get to know yourself. One of my favourite quotes from a First Century Roman Philosopher is:

‘Knock on yourself as upon a door, and walk upon yourself as on a straight road. For if you walk on that road, you can’t go astray. And if you knock with this one (Wisdom), you knock on hidden treasures.’

Connect your true nature to your motivation to create a successful business that is valuable to your users and attracts wealth with positive thinking.

Boosting Business Success with Self-Belief and Confidence

Your sincere motivation comes from your true nature and examination. Ensure you are being entirely honest with yourself in your direction and niche for your business. Once affirmed, there is no limit to the height of your motivation and the energy you create to achieve your carefully thought-out goal.

Connecting with your true nature will also boost your self-confidence, especially when everyone around you projects pessimistic predictions into your energy field. Genuine self-belief always wins on the Internet. It is the only way to sustain the challenges and navigate the ups and downs.

There are many different types of minds in the business world. This diversity makes going into business attractive and exhilarating, but this topic is another time. Once you have reconnected with your true nature through mindful practices, a radiant mind is the best mind to attract wealth, good fortune, and business success. This feels lovely for you and happens when you are in the moment, feel gratitude for your ancestors and your healthy life and this marvellous opportunity to be a significant player in the global community.

Harnessing Internet’s Power: Vibration, Frequencies, and Signals

If you think about the Internet and the invisible world (the world of feelings, intuitions, predictions, etc.), they both function using frequencies. Signals from satellites and transmitters are emitted by modems and attracted to devices. Your true nature is composed of unique frequencies; you always give them out. That’s how humans socialise and find their mates. These invisible features of each human can be called spirituality.

So, it’s logical to see that the Internet is a perfect platform for unleashing spiritual energies. For example, on the surface, you are attracted to specific websites and organisations through logic and logical selection. However, whether you subscribe to regular posts/emails depends on how you feel: the colours, images, sentiments, user-friendliness, etc. These are choices that sync with the subtle energy of your spirit.

Sometimes, we have bad news or make a mistake in our internet dealings, which may create negative responses and anger. In my experience, even more will go wrong if you continue in that vein, so it’s best to walk away, get some fresh air, bring your angry mind to the centre of the moment, lower your eyelids, listen and breathe, and then smile and return to what you were doing with a radiant mind like attracts like. Negative energy attracts negative energy, especially where sensitive radio signals are concerned.

I hope these strategies will bring great rewards for all your efforts and your precious spirit.


A many-faceted gem sparkles and across it are the words 'Raidant Mind for Internet Business Success.'

4 thoughts on “Internet Wealth Creation Using Spiritual Strategies”

  1. I appreciate the unique perspective this article brings to the realm of internet business. By highlighting the often-overlooked spiritual aspect of entrepreneurship. Connecting one’s true nature to the online business world is a fascinating approach. My question is: How can individuals effectively balance the demands of the fast-paced, logical, and often stressful online business environment with the mindful, spiritual practices you have discussed? Are there specific techniques or routines you recommend for maintaining this balance?

    • Thank you Starlight. I am happy that you find that Jambhala Wealth approaches entrepreneurship in a unique way. 

      There are many strategies that you can learn from the Jambhala website with more added each day. Finding the balance between business affairs and spirituality is possible and becomes quite natural but it takes regular practice and commitment. First, I suggest you learn more about basic mindful practices for beginners . You will find that spending a little time each day closing down your fast-paced ‘business’ mind for a while is beneficial because it refreshes the system. 

      Your motivation to undertake these practices depends on your mindset to attract wealth, good health, good fortune, and success – the Laws of Attraction may be a logical place to start to unravel this. We, humans, are part of the Universe in terms of energy and matter so it may be a reasonable step to accept that some people attract wealth and some do not, and to ask why? 

      It is common for people to lose contact with their inner being because they are so occupied outside, so overstimulated by the information storm. Therefore, attracting abundance requires a few changes in the way you relate to yourself, to reconnect you with your heart. You can become a magnet for such things if you hone your spirit, and become happier and less stressed in the process.

      Blessings and Success. All further questions are most welcome.

  2. I would never have thought of it this way and think that the spiritual side can help me with my online business, how amazing to have found this article! Reading the article, it takes me to meditation and mindfulness, something I have always wanted to dive in further, to clear my mind and especially to go on and not give up. Can this method help to get passed failures, so that I can get the courage to go on and try again? thanks!

    • Hi LIzzy. Thank you for your encouraging comment. 

      The best route to success is getting strongly in touch with yourself so you know exactly who you are and what you want again. We get distracted and disappointed by social voices and gremlins undermining us. This ‘method,’ as you call it, is the only way to keep a clear mind focused on your goals. Please take a look at Mindful Practices and Overcoming Negative Thoughts to get you started. Then, you will be ready to read Business Karma , which will inspire you, I think.

      This is the very best route to success. It guarantees your stable mental health, too. But developing the techniques may take a little time, so be patient. It’s not a quick-fix-all; it’s rather a re-education to establish your firm foundation. Just build some mindful time into each of your days, and soon, it will become completely natural.

      I’d love to hear how it goes. Please don’t hesitate to ask further questions.

      I’m so glad we found each other, too!

      Blessings for your success and happiness! 😇


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