Living in Harmony: Integrating our Daily Lives according to Indigenous Wisdom

the face of a woman and a man are cared into a tree trunk by maoris in New Zealand exemplifying our eternal face glimpsed during meditation.

I embarked on a transformative journey twenty years ago, living among Australian Aboriginals transitioning from modern settlements to a traditional life deep within the desert. Their profound connection to the Earth, devoid of modern comforts, offered invaluable insights into living an integrated and harmonious existence.

The Aboriginal way of life is rooted in reverence for the Earth and its inhabitants. Their purpose transcends material pursuits as custodians of the land – or the ‘Dreaming Lands’ as they refer to them. It focuses instead on nurturing and preserving the natural world. By aligning ourselves with this ethos, we can cultivate a deeper connection to our surroundings and a heightened awareness of our impact on the planet.

  • Cut off from the feeling of being dwellers on planet Earth living close to Nature
  • Removed from using our energy to survive our lives because we have so many material conveniences and comforts
  • Out of touch with the purpose of our lives
  • Distracted by social expectations and dominating voices

Indigenous people are not attached to everything the way we civilised people are. They do not grasp everything with white knuckles in case it disappears, and they do not allow the hot flames of emotions to engulf them. Their spirits are strong like their bodies because they invest all their energy into surviving in some of the harshest climates on Earth.

The purpose and mission of their short lives is to learn spiritual lessons while listening deeply to Nature and the Earth, their mother and father, respectively. They also live without the constraints of time ticking away as they believe that time is circular, not linear. When I asked about their history, many members of the tribe I was with told me they had always been on Earth and would always be. Their lives are not curtailed by birth and death like ours are because their ancestors are crucial in everything they do. Death is simply ‘travelling on’ in the campfires of the sky– what we call stars and comets. They live first-hand lives dependent on no one.

Attachments dissolve in the embrace of traditional living, and the burden of fear and desire diminishes. Unlike the tumultuous rollercoaster of emotions experienced in modern society, the Aboriginals’ lives flow with the rhythm of nature, devoid of dramatic highs and lows. I learned to be more mindful and present in the moment I was with them; the past and the future were only part of the time conspiracy.

Using this model, even though it is too late for us to live like them, we can find peace and contentment in every moment by relinquishing attachment to outcomes and embracing equanimity. The events of our days can flow smoothly into each other if we stand back from our emotions and get in touch with the Earth and our essence within. This is our home, too, but First Nations think we have turned our backs on it and synthesized our lives afresh.

The Aboriginals’ existence is a testament to the power of presence. With each sunrise and sunset, they embody the essence of mindfulness, fully immersed in the here-and-now. By relinquishing regrets of the past and anxieties about the future, we can cultivate a profound sense of gratitude and joy in the present moment.

As we set about attracting wealth on the Internet, using sophisticated skills and equipment always occupies our minds. It is easy to lose touch with our true nature and regret our past mistakes or live in a frenzy of future speculation. We are often out of balance, and our mental health is seriously threatened. Mindful Practices and the awareness of how the shining custodians of the Earth live can help to correct that imbalance.

In the heart of the desert, survival depends on self-reliance and skillfulness. The Aboriginals’ unwavering trust in their abilities fosters resilience and empowerment. Similarly, by honing our talents and trusting in our innate wisdom, we can navigate life’s challenges confidently and gracefully.

By connecting with our true nature, our indigenous nature, as I did when I immersed myself in the Aboriginal way of life, we can reestablish trust in ourselves, the trust we have replaced by abdicating our lives to traditional education, health care and media approval. As a netpreneur moving steadily towards success, these ancient skills are vital to staying in control of our sanity amidst fierce competition and information overload.

Our lives are overflowing with options and choices, so we are forced to make decisions countless times each day, which necessarily causes mental friction and upheaval. On the contrary, Aboriginals flow with nature and weather, so their days are smooth and frictionless, and their purpose is crystal clear. Clarity of mind is essential in any business venture.

The Aboriginals radiate unparalleled happiness and positivity without material wealth and modern comforts. Their joy stems not from external circumstances but from an inner state of contentment and gratitude. We can cultivate lasting happiness and abundance by shifting our focus from external acquisitions to inner fulfilment.

I remember so clearly the day they left the white government settlement, they were forced to inhabit. They walked confidently back into traditional life in the very centre of Australia, leaving behind all the material gifts they had received to live in a civilised way in heaps. They walked easily away from their small, concrete, tin-roofed dwellings they referred to as ‘dog-boxes.’ They were mostly naked and carried only the nine precious tools they had made from the natural materials of the Desert. Each tool was customised to fit them exactly. There was no fear or regret.

Our happiness is essential in whatever we are doing. It is the main moral purpose in modern life for each of us, and we cannot find it through other people. It is our true Earth nature, our natural serenity and nobility, that Aboriginals live true to even today.

In a world inundated with distractions and disconnection, the wisdom of indigenous cultures offers a guiding light towards integration and harmony. By embracing Earth-centered wisdom, releasing attachments, living in the present moment, trusting in ourselves, and cultivating happiness and positivity, we can embark on a transformative journey towards wealth, good health, good fortune, and true happiness.

a few members of an ancient tribe leave the developed world to move back into traditional life without conveniences or manmade comforts.

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